I’ve spent two decades photographing concerts, comedians, animals, people, and places that catch my eye. I have done graphic design, newsletter, website, and magazine production for non-profits and in the private sector, all while I continue to improve and learn new skills in photography.

Filmmaking is the natural progression of combining my love of acting, writing, composing, and photography.
In 2013, I co-founded the CATastrophes Web Series, which ran until 2018, amassing over 132,000 subscribers on YouTube and more than 42 million views. We earned a YouTube Silver Play Button, a Golden Kitty Award from CatVidFest, and won Fresh Step’s Catdance after being a finalist three years in a row. We had the pleasure of working with Lil BUB and her dude and Discovery Networks.
I’ve worked on numerous production sets from many angles, including script supervisor, writer, actor, voice over, and production assistant. I’ve helped create commercials for Pet Health Network, Litter Lifter, Fresh Step, and other clients and won awards from the Chicago 48-hour Film Festival, the Cat Writer’s Association, Blog Paws, and more.
I spent a year as an Associate Composer at Sonixphere in Chicago, studying digital music composition and the commercial industry. I’ve directed videos for Shatervan Idesh and PAWS Chicago, edited work for numerous clients, and now I’m creating Cat In the Fridge Films.